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Wound care: Let soapy water wash over the incision sites (do not scrub), then apply antibiotic ointment to the incision points twice daily for one week while the skin is healing after initially removing the pressure garment. Tiny scabs may appear during the healing process. Please do not pick at the scabs.


Cleanse the treated areas gently with mild soap such as Cetaphil or Cerave and luke-warm water after 48 hours. Avoid drying or irritating facial products including Retinol and acids (Salicylic, Glycolic, etc.) for 3 weeks after the procedure. Do not rub or irritate the area. 


Limit physical activity and exposure to excessive heat (including fires) and UV light for 2 weeks.


Sleep on several pillows or in a recliner to keep your head elevated for at least two to three days to help minimize swelling.


Try to minimize talking and chewing for 48 hours. We recommend following a soft diet for the first 48 hours.


Make-up may be applied as soon as 72 hours after the procedure to cover any redness or bruising. Avoid the incision points that may still be healing.


If treatment was done on the face or neck, facial shaving should only be done with an electric razor for the first week.


Only take prescribed pain medication or Tylenol for pain relief (not both) after your procedure, unless instructed otherwise. Other pain relievers such as Aspirin or NSAIDs (i.e. Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aleve, etc.) can thin the blood and cause bleeding or bruising. The only exception to this rule is if your primary care doctor has prescribed you to take a daily Aspirin, NSAID, or other blood thinner. Take all antibiotics unless instructed otherwise.


Do not drink alcohol for several days as instructed by the doctor after this procedure. Drinking alcohol can negatively affect healing and can cause thinning of the blood, bleeding, crusting and/or bruising.


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